AndCare UK

Care is personal and unique, we feel the toolbox you have should be too.

And Care Information Collation System

Doing the job other tools can't

Powered by And Care Core, ACICS is a modular and dynamic health and social care orientation system designed to meet the needs your other tools can't and don't.  The power and purpose of ACICS is to be a central interface to your company and how it operates, being the focal point of operations.  Facilitating this is an advanced interaction logging system that allows client orientated interactions of any and all natures to be accurately recorded, tracked and audited in a way no other competitor allows.

ACICS isn't designed to immediately replace the tools and services you currently use but instead supplement them, providing a common and efficient interface that enhances productivity, significantly reduces your paper footprint and gives a far better oversight of daily operations, all while growing alongside your business.  As your needs change and expand, ACICS is designed and perfectly suited to adapt new features to accommodate these changes as and when they arise, reducing and eventually eliminating the reliance on generic solutions.

Suited well for both Domestic and Care Home operations, the true power of ACICS comes from the ability to provide all the benefits of custom software design, while eliminating all of the traditional costs and risks usually associated.

Out the Box

ACICS At The Center

ACICS is designed with a module approach which allows you to choose the features you do and don't want,  while facilitating the integration into a wide variety of other tools and servicesAnd Care can also provide integrations with custom in-house / non-standard tools, specific to your needs and requirements.

ACICS then becomes your main focal point in client data management allowing real-time synchronisation between the various tools and services you use and ensuring staff have access to accurate information at all times.

Business Interactions

ACICS provides an advanced interaction diary for client orientated operations - this allows your team(s) to keep detailed and auditable records on every aspect of care, allowing tasks to be assigned and tracked while ensuring the information is available in all supporting integrated tools & services.

 ACICS takes a design approach that minimises the capture of redundant / duplicate information; dramatically increasing the availability of required information to your staff while significantly reducing the workload required to manage it.

Recruitment Builder

ACICS includes an advanced recruitment builder that allows you to create and define your recruitment process instead of accommodating the tools'.  By specifying 'recruitment stages', tasks and finally actions - you create the process the applicant should follow.

Utilising Custom Attributes, you defined what information you want and need - while ACICS then allows the capture directly from the applicants themselves using their online portal.  By assigning an applicants tasks to staff members, they receive updates on progress while minimising the work required from them.

User Management

ACICS by default includes an internal user store - protected using industry standard and trusted techniques.  Included with this is full Role and Permission management, allowing restrictions on what ACICS users can and can't do.  When integrated with the recruitment module, provides a seamless experience from applicant to team member.

Further to it's own user store, And Care can provide integration with an existing Active Directory user base, allowing your usual user management process to take over.

Request a Trial

A demonstration of ACICS is accessible at

Update: With the impending release of .NET 8.0 and the exciting new capabilities, our public demo is currently off-line, receiving cosmetic surgery.  If you are interested and would like a demo, please Contact Us and we can get that arranged.

Custom Attributes - Manage data like never before

At the very heart of ACICS are 'Custom Attributes', which are essentially question / answer pairs.  The power comes from how these are structured; utilising a hierarchical method of organisation and the ability to define complex relationships between them provides an ideal foundation to capture data in a unique way .

Using Custom Attributes, ACICS provides a mechanism for you to define the data you capture and how, in a completely dynamic way - providing the ability to quickly capture and track new information that other systems are still catching up with.

Complete with Meta Tags, which allow you to associate information with both internal data structures and sources in supported integrated systems.


We understand the need and requirement, in many cases, to use multiple tools and services to manage daily operations.  The vast majority of these tools provide API's for external management which ACICS uses to communicate with.  Instead of first replacing the features of integrated tools, ACICS instead provides a common interface between them - expanding as your business grows while adding new features as and when necessary to support the way you want to operate.  This allows you to transition between tools in a more suitable and business friendly manner, reducing overall operating costs.

Being highly modular, And Care can also provide integrations to custom in-house tools that might not have traditional API's or similar mechanisms - this is what makes ACICS ideal to support your business.

Licensing and our Relationship

ACICS is typically available in two configurations, although we understand the dynamic nature of health & social care and are capable of supporting a wide variety of needs across partners of all types and sizes.

More information is available on our licensing approach here and for any questions, please get in touch with us.


If you haven't already, start with our FAQ.  If you have any questions or concerns not covered in the FAQ, you can get in contact with us here.